Difference between Sales and Marketing

You know, I used to think everybody knew the difference between sales and marketing. I recently found out, that's not the case. Some people think it's one and the same thing. But, that's really not true.

In simple words, a marketer's only job is to generate awareness. If what they do does not generate brand/product awareness, they are not marketing. A sales person's only job is to generate revenue. Everything they do should be geared towards getting the customer to purchase their product/service.

Look at it this way - Sales begins where Marketing stops.

Say, you recently moved to New Town, USA. You are walking down Main Street. You see a fancy board that says, "Jackie's Juice Bar". You decide to walk into the bar. You open the door and survey the place. It's a warm, inviting place. You like it. You checkout the menu and place an order.

Here's what transpired in 'sales and marketing' speak.

Marketing Part - The fancy board you saw generated awareness. You liked it so much (and possibly were part curious), you decided to check the place out. By the way, good marketing will occupy a space in your mind. When you think of a soft drink, what is the first company that comes to your mind? How about shaving razors? What about high-tech gadgets? My answers are at the bottom of this post. Do yours match?

Transition Part - You walked into the bar and surveyed the insides of it. You wanted to make sure it was a quality place and you'd enjoy your experience. Understand that if you did not like what you saw, you could have turned around and walked right out. It would not have mattered to you how fancy "Jackie's Juice Bar" board looked.

Sales Part - Now that you like the place and the menu, you decide to place an order. The trick to selling is to get the transition right. Once the customer likes you and trusts you, the sales is almost certain.

We go through this cycle every time we walk into a store or purchase something on the Internet. Sometimes the only marketing that needs to be done is good customer service at your last visit.

What do you think? Is there anything you can add to this article that I might have missed?

Send me an email at mayurgudka@gmail.com or connect with me on Twitter (@mayurgudka) or LinkedIn to chat about Sales and Marketing.

Be Happy,

Answers:  Coke, Gillette, Apple

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