10 Steps to Creating Job Fair Excitement Through Social Media

Our company did a couple of job fairs recently. The response was also good. However, social media didn't play a key part in it. So, I wondered, how could one promote a job fair through social media and get people to participate at the job fair. Hence, this article.
Did you know? According to NationalCareersFair.com, having a booth at a Job Fair costs anywhere from $1,000 to $2,000. If I were to spend this kind of money, I would do anything to make sure it was well worth my investment. Wouldn’t you?

Here is my 10-step method that you can use to generate interest and gain a following before, during and after a job fair. Steps 1-6 should happen before a job fair. Steps 7-9 should happen during the job fair. And, step 10 should happen after the job fair.

With that said, here are the 10 Steps.
  1. Generate Curiosity – You can send a tweet to your current Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn followers saying something like this, “We are planning something large in the near future. Wish I could tell you more about it. Have to wait until all is finalized.” You definitely want to send this first tweet once you are finalized about the job fair. Why? Your followers are now eagerly waiting to find out what the big surprise is. If the job fair doesn’t pan out, then you will not only be disappointing them but probably also lose some following.
  2. Build Excitement – The tweet should say something like this, “FINALLY! So excite to let you know that we are going to have a JOB FAIR. Will follow-up soon with more details.” The job seekers following you will now start gearing up.
  3. Subscribe for First Dibs – Send an email to your entire contact list stating, “Follow us on Twitter & LinkedIn to be the first one to know when and where the job fair is.”  This way, some of the people who are on your contact list but are not following you on Social Media could start following your on Social Media channels.
  4. Venue & Time Information – Send a Tweet stating the Job Fair’s location, date and time information.
  5. How to get the most out of it? – You want to let your job seekers know that you care about them. You don’t want to waste their time finding your booth. So, in this tweet, let them know where exactly your booth will be located and when they come there expect to meet Mr. or Ms. XYZ. An awesome idea here would be to include a link to “How to make the most out of any Job Fair?” document. It can be anywhere from 1-few pages. This also makes you stand out from other companies that will be at the job fair.
  6. Reminder Information – Send out a Tweet one day before the fair reminding your followers that the Job Fair is right around the corner and you cannot wait to see and meet them.
  7. Job Fair Begins! – Send out a tweet announcing the start of the Job Fair.
  8. At the Job Fair Excitement – Have your company reps send out tweets from the job fair about the excitement happening at the job fair. This not only builds positive energy among your followers but also reminds anyone about your existence at the job fair, in case they missed out on your booth.
  9. Thank You! – This message should be sent on the morning after or at the end of the Job Fair day. A simple tweet thanking the participants for making it successful and stating that the job fair was "incredible" will do.
  10. Where to get follow-up information – On the following day, send out a tweet that tells the job fair candidates about where to find follow-up information on the resume they handed out at the job fair.
Note that when I say send a tweet, you should really send out a Tweet if your company has a Twitter account, a Facebook message if your company has a Facebook account and a LinkedIn message if your company has a LinkedIn account. This is bare minimum. In addition you can also send out email messages to your list if you want to.

It is also helpful to send information about your company reps that will be present at the fair. This information can either include their bio if it is on your website or names and titles at the minimum. This helps personalize your company. When the candidate comes to your booth, they know to expect Mr. / Ms. XYZ as opposed to some Random Rep at other booths.

While you are at the job fair

For every candidate that gives you the resume, give them a one-page document that has some information about the company and a link on how to submit a job application and who to follow-up with after the application is submitted.

The document should also state that “To be the first ones to know about new openings, please follow us on Twitter / LinkedIn”. Make sure your Twitter and LinkedIn URLs are spelled out.

While most companies will be handing out the candidate mugs and mouse pads, your paper will actually give them information on what to do next. It will also make you stand out among the crowd.

Timeline for Implementing the 10 steps

Message # 1 should happen a month or two before the actual fair is held.
Message # 2 should come about a 3-4 days after the first message.
Message # 3 should come about 1-2 days after the second message.
Message # 4 should come about 2 weeks before the job fair.
Message # 5 should be sent at least 5-days to 1 week before the job fair.
Message # 6 should be sent 1-2 days before the job fair.
Message # 7 should be sent on the morning of Job Fair.
Multiple messages should go out for Step # 8. Possibly through out the day of Job Fair.
Message # 9 should be sent at the morning after the Job Fair day.
Message # 10 should be sent 1-day after the Job Fair. Be sure not to be late with this messsage.

Working these 10-steps properly will ensure a successful job fair. Separate yourself from your competitors by adding value to the candidate's job search by making him/her easy to follow-up with your company. Hope this helps.

Thank you,

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