48 Social Media Tactics

15 years ago, every company in the world (large or small) wanted a website. The mentality was if I have a website then my business will explode because that is the trend of the future. This did not happen for most companies because they forgot to tell their customers they had a web presence.

Today, something very similar is happenning. Every company in the world wants to be "social". And almost all are. Unfortunately, most of their customers don't know that. How many times have you made a purchase at a small business and they mentioned their Facebook page to you? My guess is not-too-often.

Many small businesses understand how social media can benefit their business but are actually struggling to use it effectively. But, not to worry! Listed below are 48 social media tactics to help you set-up, communicate, engage, fundraise and measure your social media efforts.

"Setting Up Social Media" Tactics
  1. Brand your Facebook page
  2. Create a custom Twitter background
  3. Brand your YouTube channel
  4. Create a branded FourSquare page
  5. Add multiple admins to your Facebook page
  6. Set and display rules for your Facebook community
  7. Allow supporters to post content on your Facebook page
  8. Use commenting tools (on blogs) that authenticate with social accounts
  9. Add a Facebook LIKE button to your website or blog
  10. Include the "Share This" sharing buttons
  11. Add a Twitter Follow button to your site
  12. Publish photos under a Creative Commons license
"Comunication" Tactics
  1. Use collaboration tools to manage multiple Twitter accounts
  2. Display names of staff contributing to Twitter and Facebook
  3. Connect with the top Tweeters in your area.
  4. Monitor local Twitter activity using Hashtags (#Boston #LosAngeles #London)
  5. Make your Tweets Retweetable.
  6. Start, Join, and Contribute to "your mission" related hashtags
  7. Use TwitPic to share photos and videos
  8. Display live Twitter content on your website or blog
  9. Integrate other social channels with Facebook
  10. Submit Content to social news and bookmarking sites
  11. Make a Buzzworthy video
"Engage" Tactics
  1. Create a Facebook welcome tab.
  2. Encourage Action on Facebook with a Custom Tab
  3. Launch a LIKE Campaign
  4. Empower Supporters to take Social Action
  5. Engage the blogging community
  6. Organize a Tweetup
  7. Add mission-related tips on FourSquare
  8. Build stewardship through video
  9. Hold a video response contest
  10. Create a Flickr group to support your mission
  11. Hold a Photo Contest
  12. Organize a Petition on Twitter
  13. Create your own online community
"Fundraising" Tactics
  1. Encourage supporters to Make a Wish
  2. Create a Facebook Donate tab
  3. Launch a sponsored Tweet campaign
  4. Organize a Fundraising Campaign through Twitter
  5. Increase conversions with Video overlays
  6. Use Video Annotations as Calls to Action
  7. Launch a "Check-In For Charity" campaign
"Measuring" Tactics
  1. Analyze Facebook activity with Insights
  2. Track Referrals through social sites
  3. Track link performance with short URLs
  4. Measure the Reach of your Tweets
  5. Create a Social Media Listening Dashboard
If you have any questions about how to setup or execute any of the above tactics, please feel free to email me at mayurgudka@gmail.com.

I hope the above list of social media tactics is not news to you and that you are already doing most of these things. If not, I would start doing them right away. The results will astound you.

Good Luck,

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